Since school's out I've been workin 7 days a week to make money to fix up my car. I took this week off to work on it and here is my progress.
My dad's friend runs a metal shop in San Antone and he's been saying he's going to make me floor pan patch panels since Nov. He finally made them and what do you know, THE BEADS DON'T LINE UP. So with some cutting and welding they came out alright.
I finished both pans, and scraped all the junk and dirt off the floor and painted the entire floor with POR15. I took the factory clear seat covers off the back seat and reinstalled both seats and rear door panels.
I also installed my 60s Oldsmobile console tach. I think it looks bad ass!
Next is to buy some backing for the front door panels and replace the bottom vinyl piece and then install those. Carpet and padding will go in later.